International Payments

While you’re working on the interface, we’re working hard behind the scenes to make sure you have everything you need. Without trouble, our professionals can work with tools, capabilities, automation, integrations, and services to make it functional for worldwide payments. We want to provide the greatest customer service and experience possible, as well as boost conversion and authorisation rates.

Intelligent Payment Routing:

Our intelligent payment routing and support will make your multiple payment processes for transactions achieve the maximum payment authorization rates, even if transactions are occurring at the international level. The intelligent payment routing is not confined to local transactions but also supports transactions beyond the border.

Multi-Currency Management

Because our technology works with multiple currencies, the problem of cart abandonment is unlikely to occur. Multi-currency management seeks to increase authorisation rates by up to 25%, reducing card abandonment and providing a better experience for clients.

Merchant of Record Model

Ragapay is the official merchant of record. Global payment processing, varied tax management, invoice against transactions, audit and accounts compliance, local organisations participating in transactions, and more are all important to us. Our role is essentially to make the sale on your behalf. Without your involvement in the preparation of the essential paperwork, our professional can accomplish the task for you. This approach is recommended for all firms of any size who do global business and want to avoid difficulties when it comes to invoicing, billing, tax documentation, and compliance.

Payment Service Provider Model:

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You can use our service for clearance of international payments or getting help with eCommerce, subscription management. Being a merchant of record and looking at sales tax collection and remittances against transactions, compliance, and local entities. You can apply this model conveniently. This is especially helpful for large companies with operations in local markets or markets where you have access to local entities.